
Please write your report in detail.
If additional documents and/or proof (like a screenshot) are required depending on your report, we will let you know them by email.

Examples to report are as follows:
  • Your account is suspected to have been hacked or taken over
  • Violation of privacy rights or intellectual property rights
  • Defamation
  • Someone is impersonating me
  • Bullying/Harassment
  • Spam
  • Other inappropriate content, etc.

The following is the personal information we collect and use for processing your report.

ItemPurposeRetention periodTransferred to
Email address Process report Until the end of the case US, South Korea
Name, Phone number, Username Process report From the time you provide during the communication to the end of the case US, South Korea
If you reside in the European Union
Your personal information may be transferred to, stored and processed in other countries outside of where you reside.

I agree to transfer, collect and use my personal information as described above